How to Approve or Reject overtime by Approver?

For Approver.


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

- To become Overtime Approver, the company need to add employee into Approver List & set as Overtime Approver.

- For Multiple Level Approvals, Approver Level 1 need to authorize the request first followed by next Approvers.

Step 1: Go to Approval > Overtime.

Step 2: Click "Action" > "Approval".

Step 3: Decision made whether to Approve or Reject. If click Approve, continue to the next step.

p/s: If Reject, go to Step 6.

Step 4: Choose & set type of Pay Rate.

Step 5: Choose whether want to assign to payslip or not. If yes, choose the payslip date.

p/s: Payslip dates are only available if payroll already has been generated & the status is still "Pending".

Step 6: Click Submit button to confirm.

 Step 7: Now your Overtime Approval successfully updated.

p/s: The status will show up as "Pending" as next approver still need to authorize the request. (Only for Multiple Level Approver)


For Multiple Level Approval , repeats the same step from Step 1 until Step 7. The status will change as "Approved" or "Rejected" after all approvers authorize the request.

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