How to set employee salary & statutory?

For Company/ Admin only.


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

- Please make sure you set all salary details in Master Table before generate new payroll at Payroll > Master Table

- For Master Table, only 1 time setting unless you need to edit or update any information

Step 1: Go to Payroll > Master Table

Step 2: Choose employee & click Action > Edit

Step 3: At Salary section, select payslip type, specify basic salary & overtime rate (RM)

Step 4: Click Save Change to save


1. To create another payslip type, go to Setup > Payslip Type

2. Please specify basic salary only without any addition/ deduction

3. Overtime Rate is the amount (RM) an employer will pay to employees for every 1 hour of overtime (hourly rate)

Step 5: At Addition section, you can add any fixed addition to include in payroll (if any). Click Save Change button to save

1. To add more addition type, go to Setup > Addition Type

2. In Master Table, only add fixed addition that employees will get every month. If employees get any addition for certain/ those months only, you can add when you generate payroll later

Step 6: At Statutory section, you can choose either want to contribute or not. If Yes, please select EPF rate for employee & employer. Click Update button to save


1. All the calculation for statutory are automatic 

2. For SOCSO calculation, you did not have to select any rate as the system will automatically calculate for you

Step 7: At Deduction section, you can add any fixed deduction to include in payroll (if any). Click Save Change button to save


1. To add more deduction types, go to Setup > Deduction Type

2. In Master Table, only add fixed deduction that will deduct from employee payroll for the very month. If the employee only has a deduction for certain/ those months only, you can add when you generate payroll later

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